- Shifted into row? 换了排档?
- Shall we shift into Chinese? Sure. 然后我们就开始拉家常了。
- Can I make a shift into another compartment? 我能不能换个包房?
- The PRMs are high, shift into 2 gear. 转速太高了,换到2档。
- Dan: Right. Time to shift into high gear! 没错。该是时候卯足全劲的时候了!
- Shifted into overdrive toward the end of the semester. 我必须把注意力都转移并集中到期末的学习中来。
- She shifted into a more comfortable position on the chair. 她换了一个更舒适的姿势坐在椅子上。
- Japan's powerful farm lobby has shifted into hyperdrive. 日本强大的农业界国会活动集团已开展极度紧张的活动.
- Shift into first gear and put your foot on the accelerator. 挂一挡,脚放在油门上。
- The boy loves to line his toy soldiers up into rows. 那男孩喜欢把他的玩具兵排成几排。
- Since Congress made the appropriations, the Peace Corps program has shifted into high gear. 自从国会拨款以后,和平服务团的业务就转入高档。
- When institutional currency gained, speech meaning may be shifted into a sense of the word as a dictionary entry, thus forming polysemy. 被公认、通用后,言语义回归为词的新义项,形成一词多义。
- Yet as it shifted into the form of a basilisk it glared at him with such ferocity that Bink's mirth abated. 然后它又变形了,这次宾克不笑了。它变成了一头蛇怪,用狠毒到可以杀人的目光瞪视着他。
- K. showed unexpected weakness, as the nation's manufacturing sector shifted into contractionary territory. 英国的表现出乎预料地疲软,该国制造业转到了收缩区域。
- Merger Monday shifted into overdrive with the largest ever private buyout in US corporate history. 周一的合并演变成了美国公司历史上最大的私人买断。
- For example, older programs demanded that you shift into a special state to enter records, and then shift into another state to print them out. 例如,过去有一些程序要求你必须进入一种特殊状态才能输入记录,然后再进入另一种状态才能打印。
- Q: What is the problem when one has a key to enlightenment but fails to make the shift into God consciousness? 问:一个人得到开悟之钥,但却不能进入上帝意识之中。请问问题在哪里?
- It wasn't until China's industrial development shifted into overdrive this decade that the nation began to shake global petroleum markets. 在石油方面,直到本世纪初中国的工业飞速发展之后,中国才开始对全球石油市场产生重要影响。
- The shift into bonds came as the Dow briefly sank below the lows seen in the market's August pullback. 道指一度跌破八月分时下跌的最低点,由此促发了投资向债券的转移。
- Two-dimensional arrangement of the tool buttons into rows and columns: creation, painting, and button hit-testing. 将工具按钮以二维方式排列成行和列:创建、绘图和按钮命中测试。